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Returns a list of Networks you have access to

Returns an array of Networks you have access to.


An array of Network IDs

    authorId string
    description string
    authTokens string[]
    authorizationEndpoint string
    capabilities string[]
    clientId string
    creationTime integer
    dns object
    domain string
    servers string[]
    enableBroadcast boolean
    id string
    ipAssignmentPools object[]
  • Array [
  • ipRangeStart string
    ipRangeEnd string
  • ]
  • mtu integer
    multicastLimit integer
    name string
    nwid string
    objtype string
    private boolean
    remoteTraceLevel integer
    remoteTraceTarget string
    revision integer
    routes object[]
  • Array [
  • target string
    via string nullable
  • ]
  • rules object[]
  • Array [
  • not boolean
    or boolean
    type string
  • ]
  • rulesSource string
    ssoEnabled boolean
    tags string[]
    v4AssignMode object
    zt boolean
    v6AssignMode object
    6plane boolean
    rfc4193 boolean
    zt boolean